Keeping Parents Informed - Charter Transparency » COVID-19 Safety Protocols

COVID-19 Safety Protocols

Policy Effective 08/21/24

Last updated 08/10/24

Objectives and Summary of Changes:

Objective 1: Prevent the spread of COVID-19

Objective 2: Update on recommendations from the County of Los Angeles Public Health 

Summary of Policy

  1. Changes are based on telebrief recommendations from the County of Los Angeles Public Health on August  8, 2024:

    • COVID 19 Prevention Guidance and Exposure Management Plan documents have been retired.  Schools are recommended to follow the  COVID-19 Prevention and Response Guidelines for Education Settings
    • Schools are no longer required to implement COVID 19 Testing; however, schools are required to have a testing plan.
    • Schools are encouraged to create a testing plan and continue to promote vaccinations, maintain ventilation, cleaning, disinfecting, and hand hygiene procedures.  Value Schools is adopting the CA Department of Public Health Tk-12 Guidance.
    • Mask should be worn by anyone exposed for about 10 days
    • Mask should be worn by any positive case returning from isolation from day 6 to day 10 or until testing negative two days in a row. 
    • Employers are required to provide masks and testing kits by employees upon request. 

Roles and Responsibilities

Home Office Responsibilities
School Site Responsibilities
  • Communicate procedures to faculty, parents, and students
  • Identify designee who will store and distribute mask and testing kit
  • School Site lead should report to Human Resources Department in HQ within 12 hours any cluster of 3 or more cases in a classroom, office, or in a pre-defined group (i.e. cohort, tea, or club, etc.) who were linked and on campus at any point within 7 days of each other.
  • Provide COVID 19 Positive Cases with Isolation Instructions

2024-2025 COVID-19 Safety Protocols (last update: 8/1/24)

The 24-25 Fall COVID 19 Safety Protocols goals are intended to support school sites with academic and tactical operations to prevent spread of COVID 19. Based on the Los Angeles County Public Health Recommendations as of February 1st, we propose the following outline. An official mask mandate by LADPH would override these procedures.

Low Risk


  • Masks are optional 

Distribution of Test Kits

  • Home testing kits by requests
  • Home COVID Testing before returning to school or long weekend optional  


  • Required for faculty and staff
  • Recommended for students

Ventilation, Cleaning & Sanitation

  • Required for all facilities
  • Air Purifiers
  • MERV 3 Filters

Regular hand washing & Sanitizer

  • Recommended for all faculty and students


Control Spread and Monitor Symptoms

  • Employees and students who are exposed are encouraged to monitor symptoms.
  • Employees and students who are exposed to a positive COVID case are encouraged to wear masks for up to 10 days
  • Employees and students who are exposed to a positive COVID case are recommended to get tested on day 3 and day 5.  Employees and students may request testing kits at the school or go to

Or Need help placing an order for your at-⁠home tests? Call 1-800-232-0233 (TTY 1-888-720-7489).

Positive Case


Isolation period: The term "Isolation Period" refers to the following:

  • Individuals with COVID-19 with symptoms: Individuals who have COVID-19 and are experiencing symptoms shall stay home away from others until fever free for 24 hours without using fever-reducing medication AND other symptoms are mild and improving.
  • Masks are required to leave isolation before 10 days from when symptoms began or the date of their first positive test, or  when around other people.
  • You can remove your mask sooner if you have two sequential negative tests at least one day apart.
  • Individuals with COVID-19 without symptoms: Individuals who have COVID-19 and are not experiencing symptoms are not required to be isolated provided they wear a well-fitting, high-quality respiratory mask whenever around other people. You can remove your mask sooner if you have two sequential negative tests at least one day apart.